Building the frame

It was intention to purchase a Com-8 Budget frame during the next run.  The next run is scheduled for about a year from now.  As luck would have it, a Com8 A1 frame from James' latest run came available in the junkyard.  The Seller was a UK builder so shipping was cheaper than from the states.  I bite the bullet and bought the frame along with skins from Mind2Reality's last run and Com-8's Pololu drive mount and a Pololu drive.  The frame came with the following parts:

COM-8-A1 Convertible frame
  • Complete Frame, Blue 
  • Slotted Leg Uprights  
  • Rear Door Assy 
  • Leg To Body Hubs, Bushings 
  • New Leg Lock Plates 
  • New Ankle Lock Rod Set 
  • New Center Foot Elevator
  • Elevator Locking Tube  
  • Alum. Center Ankle Adapter   
Assembly begins

Assembly complete.

It took about two hours to assemble using the supplied black/white instructions.  This manual slowed me down as the instructions often referenced coloured arrows in the pictures denoting parts.  Just as I was about to complete the assembly I did a quick search on the forum and found a link to a colour version of the manual.  If I had this from the start, assembly would have been much quicker.  Silly me for not checking earlier.  

Skins in packaging 

The skins look great.  Only one issue with them.  This version has no rear door.  There were three options during the run; full door, 3/4 door or no door.  As my frame is a full door frame, I'll need to modify the skins to work with the door.  I don't see this as an issue as the inner rear skin is identical for all 3 options from this run, so I have the template for cutting the rear outer skin (ie I'll use the rear inner skin as a guide).  However, its too early to be attaching the skins now.  

I have David Shaw's LDP and Power couplers ordered along with IA-Parts utility arms.  I also need Com-8's skin blocks and his side kicks.  I'll also buy the charge bay from him.  I was originally looking to buy the flip-down electronics board and the side electronics panels from Com-8 as well but I've decided to save some money and build these myself.  I've ordered an A3 5mm thick acrylic sheet from ebay which should arrive next week.  I'm confident I can make the flip down and side electronics panels from it.  I also picked up a hinge from the hardware store for a few euro.  In total, I should save a couple of hundred dollars with my DIY option.  This will go towards recouping some of the over spend on the frame.  I do need James to respond to my emails about the skins blocks and side kicks though.  A third email might be necessary.

Hinge for rear electronics panel

Another small problem with my purchase was a missing part from the Pololu mounting system.  The silver disk (universal mount).  I contacted the seller but didn't hear back.  

I found a reseller of the part in the UK and bought the part along with a SyRen 10A regenerative motor driver and a Sabertooth dual 12A motor drive.  They should arrive next week.  It will be nice to get the dome spinning.  Focus will shift to the electronics soon, but first, the legs.

Building the frame Building the frame Reviewed by Damok on April 22, 2016 Rating: 5